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Purkheuli Dance

Purkheuli Dance

The Karbakeli foot trail area is inhabited by the Pun community. They have their own culture. In the community, it is customary to dance Purkheuli (Sorathi). They participate in Purkheuli during their  sad times as well as in good times.

They sing and dance to happy songs. In times of sorrow, they do not dance, they just sing. They sing during Karbakeli Puja and Bhume Puja too. They also dance Purkhauli at weddings, upanayana ceremony, engagements, banquets, etc. Dancing is performed overnight during weddings and upanayana ceremony. The lyrics of the song varies according to the context. Chudka songs are sung for fun during the fairs and festivities .

Traditionally, men dance in the guise of women. The man in female guise is called ‘Maruni’ while the person playing madal is ‘Madale’. Madal and jhyali instruments are used in the dance.

Purkheuli dance is performed according to the demand of tourists in Karbakeli trek. In the village of Kuwapani, on the lap of Phlamedanda in Parbat, the child artists also perform Purkheuli. In villages around the foot trail, songs in lyrical rhythms like Salaijo, Yanimaya, Shirphule, Thade bhaka etc. are still performed and can be observed during the stay there.


करबाकेली पदमार्ग क्षेत्रमा पुन समुदायको बसोबास छ । उनीहरुको आफ्नै संस्कृति छ । पुन समुदायमा पुख्र्यौली (सोरठी) नाच्ने चलन छ । उनीहरु दुःखमा पनि र सुखमा पनि पुख्र्यौलीमा सहभागी हुन्छन् ।  

उनीहरु सुखका गीतमा गीत गाउँछन्, नाच्छन् । दुःखका बेला चाहिँ नाच्दैनन्, गाउँछन् मात्रै । करबाकेली पूजा र भूमे पूजामा पनि गाउँछन् । उनीहरु विवाह, ब्रतबन्ध, भोज भतेर आदिमा पनि पुख्र्यौली नाच्छन् । विवाह र ब्रतबन्धमा रातभर नाचगान गरिन्छ । सन्दर्भ अनुसार गीतको बोल फरक फरक हुन्छ । मेला पर्वमा रमाइलो गर्न चुड्का गाइन्छ ।

परम्परादेखि पुरुष नै महिलाको भेषमा नाच्छन् । महिलाको भेषमा नाच्ने कलाकारलाई मारुनी भनिन्छ भने मादल बजाउने पुरुषलाई मादले । नाचमा मादल र झ्याली बाजा प्रयोग गरिन्छ ।

करबाकेली पदयात्रामा पर्यटकको माग अनुसार पुख्र्यौली नाच प्रदर्शन गरिन्छ । पर्वतको फलामेडाँडाको काखमा अवस्थित कुवापानी गाउँमा बाल कलाकारले पनि पुख्र्यौली देखाउँछन् । पदमार्गका गाउँमा सालैजो, यानिमाया, शिरफूले, ठाडी भाका लगायत गीत जिवितै छ, अवलोकन गर्न सकिन्छ ।

पुर्खेउली नाँच
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